All the Latest from Movement Talent
Meet Our 2023 Summer Interns!
Movement Talent is excited to welcome our first-ever summer interns in 2023. We've learned so much from working with Nihar and Leticia - who you'll get to know a bit more about below - and look forward to continuing to expand our internship opportunities in the future. We've also learned a lot about creating meaningful internship experiences along the way. Here are our top tips: Ensure your interns are compensated! Ideally, all organizations would have the budget to pay interns competitive salaries. But we do not always operate in an ideal world. If the ability to pay a salary [...]
What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening to This Summer
Looking for something new to discover this summer? The Movement Talent team has some great suggestions! We chatted with our staff, advisors, and ambassadors to see what they're looking forward to reading, watching, and listening to all summer long. Here are our suggestions. What would you add to the list? Read Indigenous DC: Native Peoples and the Nation's Capital by Elizabeth Rule The Daughter of Dr. Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia All About Love by bell hooks Babel, or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution by R. F. Kuang The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande [...]
Fresh Ideas in Hiring
Spring is a time to let fresh ideas blossom and challenge the status quo. Take the hiring process. There are some parts that are downright unpleasant. Never hearing back from an organization after what you thought was a successful interview? Frustrating. Being asked to participate in multiple rounds of interviews and complete a skills assessment or assignment with an unrealistic time expectation? Exhausting. Feeling completely unsure how to respond to questions from your potential future supervisor? Stressful. Thankfully, some of these negative aspects of the hiring process are starting to shift for the better, bringing a measure of transparency [...]
Making the Most of Onboarding Opportunities
Just about every candidate, recruiter, team leader, and employee we talk to agrees that the onboarding process is a crucial time for any new members of the team. It might seem straightforward to put together a plan for the first week or two, then have a check-in after 30 days, but effective onboarding plans take real work, require commitment on the part of new employees and their team leaders alike, and may extend across a period of several months. To that end, we’re offering up two sets of guidance in this blog post: one for the person who is [...]
Upskilling in the New Year
Heading back to work (literally or virtually) after a break can help bring fresh perspectives to what you want out of your position. Today we want to focus on helping you achieve your goals around “upskilling” at your current job; that is, training programs and other development opportunities that support employees’ continuous learning and improvement. Many organizations have established a workplace culture where requests such as professional development dollars only occur during an annual performance review. This can put staff in the unfortunate position of feeling powerless to negotiate aspects of their total compensation package outside of that one [...]
“Fall” for the Interview Process
We’ll Make Sure You Don’t “Leaf” Anything Out Congrats! You just heard back from a recruiter, HR member, or hiring manager that you’re being invited to a call to discuss a position you’ve applied for. Your resume stood out from the rest, and you’re excited to move forward with the process. And then…the panic sets in. Okay, “panic” might be a strong word, but for many of us, that first conversation with a potential future employer can be at least mildly stressful. That’s why today we’re going to break down the two types of initial calls or meetings [...]